About me

Tatsuhiro Yoshida
Professor, Graduate School of School Education

Research Statement
My major research interest is in Sociocultural Theory (SCT) in teaching and learning EFL and EFL teacher education. The origin and development of SCT can be traced to Vygotsky’s theories of human development.  Keeping this theoretical basis in mind, I have been working with elementary and secondary school teachers teaching English at local schools. In particular, I am interested in interaction between a teacher and students in the language classroom. I am currently involved in a research project, which investigates how Dynamic Assessment, a pedagogical framework developed based on SCT, helps improve the interaction during language lessons. I am also interested in narrative inquiry and how it contributes to language teachers’ professional development.

Currently I teach courses including “Intercultural Understanding”, “Methodology for Elementary English Language Teaching”, “Material Development” for undergraduates, and “Designing Curriculum and Assessment”, “Material Design for Elementary English Language Teaching”.

Research Grants
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN)

  • 2013-2015 Integrating Instruction and Assessment in EFL Teaching Through Dynamic Assessment
  • 2009-2011 EFL Teachers’ Professional Development Through E-portfolios: Narrative Inquiry and Improvement of the Classroom Practice
  • 2006-2008 A Sociocultural Approach to EFL Teacher Learning

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